Ok, so i'm on the aged care round about again, trying to get a place for my step grandfather inlaw (no dementia). He bought into a retirement village with a certain brand / chain of nursing homes over 25 years ago. He bought his flat for $120K and agreed that when he died or moved to a nursing home, that he would receive $80K back from the sale of his unit. Of course the unit is now worth probably $320K, and he was aware that he was paying for the privelage of them making a stack of cash on his property with the understanding that he would be looked after, and when the time came, he'd just go across the road to the lovely state of the art nursing home facility across the road.

So here are the letters i've been writing to management after trying and failing one way or another, for the past year and a half to obtain a nursing home spot for him.

I'm right on my soap box, and I'm not getting off until this man is being cared for. Not only do they make a ridiculous profit from the sale of his unit, he's paid over $40K in fortnightly maintenance costs, as well as covering the cost of his own renovations, water, electricity etc. So all they do is keep the front and communal gardens maintained essentially (the back yard is a tip, but nobody else can see that, so they don't care).